How Self-Acceptance Enables Us To Connect With Others & The Moment

I've taken this article from the Tiny Buddha website which is something I follow via my counselling Facebook page; there's always some great things to read and today - this one appealed to me.

For many, life is so busy that all our energy is channeled towards getting through the day, meeting those targets and deadlines and trying to get home on time for tea. Michael John, a composer, conductor, and educator, wrote this article by experience. His message is that if you can connect with the authentic you (the one that has needs and wants and may not give a damn about the deadlines) then you offer something above and beyond - furthermore your experience is so much more fruitful.

This makes total sense to me; does your job need you to be robot? If you become mechanic, how much do you enjoy what you do?

How Self-Acceptance Enables Us to Connect with Others and the Moment

Have a read and don't put too much pressure on yourself to get this right. Start by being aware that there is more to your day then what at first there seems, reality check often - 'what do I actually want?' and see how your commitments can blend.


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