‘Emotional Awareness’ Workshops
Here’s what I replied to a parent who asked about the Emotional Awareness Workshop. These are ran in school holidays for parent/carers and their children.
Using a visualisation to regulate your nervous system.
Using visualisations to regulate our nervous system is one of the wonderful ways our body can work for us - read here to find out how.
How to use your out-breath to regulate your nervous system.
Your body is built to survive, there are lots of ways to create a sense of safety and one of them is the use of your breath. Read here to find out more.
Self-doubt, Imposter Syndrome & Techniques to Help
Associate, Debbie Thomson writes with honesty about her experiences of self-doubt and imposter syndrome, also sharing techniques that you can use, if you experience this too.
Grief and Loss in Therapy
Grief and loss - they are big parts of therapy and in this blog, associate Amy shares how she works with them, inviting them into the relationship.
Walk and Talk Therapy
Associate Amy, writes about the benefits of walk and talk therapy and how mindfulness is a beneficial part of it. You can book an appointment with Amy via this blog.
Mum Knows Best
A baby’s nervous system is developed from it’s mother’s - this is why I write Mum knows best in response to this viral Mumsnet post.
Why a loved one may see a therapist instead of speaking to you.
Is a loved one speaking to a therapist and you’re left feeling not good enough?
I can’t say what happened, it’s too painful.
When saying what happens feels too painful and alternative ways you can still do therapy.
What happens when you stop talking in therapy?
Click here to read about the power of not talking, in therapy.
5 Tips to Avoiding Meltdowns
Meltdowns are a sign of overwhelm. This blogs gives 5 ways you can help your child regulate, explaining why they work in context of their nervous system.