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Join the Mindful Moment Membership

Join us bimonthly online, to reset your mind/body system, learn new skills to promote your health and wellbeing and counterbalance work/life stressors.

What’s Included?

In the membership you will receive 2 hours a month with Alex Carling, in the comfort of your own home, at a time when your day is almost done. You will benefit from Alex’s training and practice as a psychotherapist and experience

  • Breathwork

  • Brainspotting

  • Somatic Processing (learning and releasing emotions in the body)

  • Neuroscience

  • Guided Meditation

  • Creative processing

Why mindful moments promote your health and wellbeing:

  • When we stay busy and distracted, we miss what our nervous system has collected throughout the day/s

  • We can carry this implicit (below conscious awareness) information in our minds and bodies - accumulating and presenting as symptoms i.e. anxiety, fatigue, stress and tension

  • The body’s language is non-verbal, noticing and following over meaning making is how you communicate with and support your system (mind/body) - we incorporate this in your mindful moment

  • What we resist, persists - the body will always find an opportunity to bring what you’re holding into your awareness, looking for the opportunity to be processed. In your mindful moment, you can hold space or your body to bring its content which in turn leaves you feeling more in control and less hijacked by your system

  • Using mindful skills to integrate your mind and body processes will leave you better resourced in your general day-to-day life. You will be changing your neurobiology, you body’s ability to communicate and processes, and like a muscle, the more you do this, the better at it you become.

How much does it cost?

Each session is just £10, that’s £20 a month and you can cancel your membership at any time, without notice.

That’s under £5 a week, less than 70p a day, to positively impact your mind, body and skills for life.

About your Group Facilitator

Hi, I’m Alex (she/her) and I’ll be guiding you through your mindful moments, throughout your membership. I think it’s fair to say the concept of mindfulness gets a lot of attention as our awareness of mental health continues to grow, but I don’t think the real magic of mindfulness is communicated very well.

In learning about the human nervous system, I learned that I needed some of what my clients were getting, so I developed quite a curated mindfulness support system - I have reiki, Brainspotting therapy, I see someone for breathwork and I have a therapist who is somatic in her connection with me and the way she works. You may wonder why I have so many spaces to take myself to, you’re not on your own, some of my friends and family ask me this too; and my answer is simple.

My life is super busy and I love it, but I want to stay well - having access to all these people who offer me a service similar to what I offer you, offers me balance AND because I’m feeling and functioning well (most of the time - it doesn’t make me super human) it means I handle challenges better and I see them coming before I’m knocked off my feet or burned out. If you want to read more about me - click here.

Need more reasons to join us each month for your mindful moment?

  • Your children will benefit from your skills - I weave them into my parenting ALL THE TIME! From brainspotting to speaking to parts of their bodies, my children use the skills you will learn and experience, to regulate their own system. They also have a fabulous emotional language which is another bonus resource.

  • You will have better regulation to take the good stuff from your life - when we focus on things like gratitude, we notice it easier and our system responds with the good chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin.

  • You’ll feel more balanced. I’m unapologetic when I say life is off balance, we are encouraged to work harder, faster and more productively - all this is counterproductive for your system. We need ways to tap out and recharge, I hope this becomes an integral part of how you do that

Who is the membership for?

  • The content and practices are suitable and beneficial for anyone 15 years and older (you will know if your younger teenager is developmentally suitable).

  • For anyone wanting to learn more about their mind and body - specifically, how they can positively impact their health and relationship with themselves and their loved ones.

  • Anyone feeling stressed, anxious, run down, exhausted, overwhelmed, absent minded, irritated… (this list is not exhaustive).

  • For those wanting to take control back - symptoms can often appear to be happening out of the blue, like they’re happening to you. This is not true, in the Mindful Moment Membership, you learn what’s happening and why. Awareness offers choice to do things differently, to get back in-charge.

  • Parents wanting to show up to their children with more energy and patience - who want to enjoy their children more

  • Anyone who has tried mindfulness, and given up because their mind wanders or they become too frustrated.

This membership is not the same as receiving therapy, it is not specific to your personal needs, only to the human need.

This group will compliment any additional therapies, including exercise.