Work In Schools

Supporting educators address the challenges they face working with children.

Are you seeking extra support for your staff?

Taking an holistic approach to your school's mental health will maximise the outcomes for the school and pupils.

Work in schools


Teachers have a very stressful and important role to play in the lives of the children they teach. Working with teachers I can give them therapeutic tools that support the emotional and developmental needs of individual pupils whilst they continue to teach.

How Can You Work With Me?

Consultancy - Individual or group meetings to explore and address children’s challenges by providing theoretical understandings and developing strategies.

Training - Bespoke training packages are designed in consultation with the teachers of each school to ensure their professional and practical needs are met.

Group Work - Working in schools for the specialised needs of pupils


Working together we can:

  • Promote and support pupils to stay well and available for learning.

  • Increase pupil’s awareness of their own mental health, how to function well within it and how to access and accept support.

  • Develop teacher’s understanding of the individual challenges children face, that are affecting their time and school and the teacher’s ability to meet their needs, and those of the rest of the class.

  • Ensure your school promotes positive mental health, mental health awareness, school attendance and healthy relationships with individualised approaches to relationships with the children in their class.

  • Successfully manage behaviours with relationship instead of punishment.

  • Attend to trauma and attachment difficulties by being a trauma informed school.

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mental health awareness in schools
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How much does it cost?

Full Day £350 (6 hours)

Half Day £250 (3 hours)

Fees are based on time only. Please get in touch to discuss the fees for the full service you required.

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school behaviour consultancy

Schools Therapeutic Therapy Consultancy

Using consultancy in your school will allow teachers to access therapeutic theory to develop personalised plans for your pupils and address ways to encourage their parents or carers to play an active role; with an overall aim of promoting attendance, willingness to learn and achievement.

I share theory and practical strategies to aid thinking and teaching and to address individual behaviours and difficulties. Transactional Analysis, a theory of personality, relationships and communication, is a very beneficial tool for teachers in the classroom as a whole, but specifically for managing behaviours and attending to the emotional and developmental needs of individual pupils whilst they continue to teach.

Teachers have a very stressful and important role to play in the lives of the children they teach, sometimes behaviour is taken personally or teachers can have real difficulty managing what the behaviours and attitudes in the classroom can trigger for them personally. This is an important aspect of the barriers teachers experience in their work; using consultancy in your school will provide your teachers with an opportunity to work through these barriers, developing awareness and a new frame of reference to work from. This in turn has benefits for the relationships between teachers and their pupils.

Consultancy works by appointment in your own school and your convenience.

The length of each session is dependent on the number of teachers present and the fees are determined by the length of the session.

Alex works to promote trauma informed practices in all areas of her work.

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Professional Bespoke Behavioural Support Training

Bespoke training packages are designed in consultation with the teachers of each school to ensure their professional and practical needs are met.

Transactional Analysis (a theory of personality, relationships and communication) and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (a practice that support those in relationship with children and young people with attachment and developmental trauma) underpins the content of all training.

Here are some examples of bespoke training designed for a Hull school:

  • Identifying behaviours that are an invitation for enactment - how children use their behaviours to create an environment that is familiar and therefore ‘safe’ for them.

    What is familiar is not always healthy or good for a classroom setting.

    When we understand the motivation behind their behaviours, we are able to respond in a way that soothes the child, therefore de-escalating the behaviour and creating a healthier outcome for the child.

  • How to use what we say and do, to create a different outcome for children - using the Transaction Analysis theory of Ego States, we will explore the origins of your behaviours and communication and how we can use this in the classroom when managing difficult behaviours.

  • Identifying the best contact for each child - on the surface we may think we need to
    treat all children the same, but depending on their capacity to understand and express themselves, by treating everyone the same, we are missing huge opportunities to make meaningful contact and develop their strengths. This training helps you identify different personality types, to identify signs of trauma and attachment difficulties and how best to make contact/communicate with them. This is ideal for structuring and designing inclusive lessons.

Training sessions are arranged per individual school and fees are set by package and length of session, not by number of attendees.

School group therapy training

Pupil Therapeutic Group Work

I have worked in primary and high schools for over 15 years, offering creative therapeutic group work for the specialised needs of pupils. I offer groups in the following areas:

  • Self-esteem

  • Developing Emotional Awareness

  • Healthy Relationships

  • Managing Stress and Anxiety

Fees are determined by the length and duration of the groups.

school mental health awareness

Student Mental Health Awareness

One hour assemblies, classes or groups in order to raise awareness of mental health and teach children and young people how they can manage and maintain a positive mental health.

I strongly believe that we need to continually fight the stigma around mental health, thus reducing the barriers people face in understanding their own difficulties and those of their peers, and accessing the right kind of support.

I understand the impact of things like social media on the lives of children and young people, though I think if we better equip our young people to better manage and develop their resilience, they will be able to access these types of content without the negative mental health backlash we see so often today.