I Thought An Apple Was An Orange
I am aware that domestic abuse is not solely perpetrated by men to women, however, as I am writing from my experience of working at Hull Women's Aid (HWA), which is an organisation that supports women and children; I have written from this stance.
My Anger Is Out Of Control
Being out of control suggests to me, that it is a reaction without thought and decision, where the individual feels as though they are at the mercy of their behaviour – this is problematic as often, these behaviours are destructive to the self or others.Is anger something that can be addressed in therapy?
How Can Transactional Analysis Help You?
I hope I have put across my love of TA so far but I'm not wanting this blog to be about my relationship with TA but about how you could also have a relationship with TA; I'm going to tell you about some basic TA theory in hope that you can relate to it and have more insight into your own internal world.
Feeling Unimportant & Missed
When clients are familiar with the feelings of resentment and frustration at not feeling important in their relationships; their relationships which they prioritise and value, we often discuss a Transactional Analysis (TA) theory of drivers and injunctions.
P Is For Perfect
Perfect day, perfect man or perfect woman, perfect opportunity, perfect essay; I think you’re perfect……and the list could go on. What the hell is perfect and how do we know that we’re looking at it, have achieved it or are it?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
When working with clients, I offer them the information about Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to connect bodily experiences with the information they 'know' as often, the bodily experiences such as severe attacks of anxiety, are not understood without context.
Relationships - The Hope
When we are born into the world, our need for relationships is innate and essential for our survival.
Permission In Poetry
How lovely is this poem...... giving people the permission to access support, in what ever form they feel appropriate.
Video - A Dog Called Depression
At its worst, depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people around the world live with depression. Many of these individuals and their families are afraid to talk about their struggles, and don't know where to turn for help. However, depression is largely preventable and treatable.
Video - Neil Pasricha - The 3 A’s Of Awesome
Neil Pasricha's blog 1000 Awesome Things savors life's simple pleasures, from free refills to clean sheets. In this heartfelt talk from TEDxToronto, he reveals the 3 secrets (all starting with A) to leading a life that's truly awesome.
Video - The Man Box
Tony Porter makes a call to men everywhere: Don't "act like a man." Telling powerful stories from his own life, he shows how this mentality, drummed into so many men and boys, can lead men to disrespect, mistreat and abuse women and each other.
Video - Ego States
TA, offering some of the metaphors I think can be useful in conceptualising and dealing with interactions. This video looks at the Parent, Adult and Child states, and basic transactions.