How Can Therapeutic Parenting Help Me?
In this post I look at ‘general’ areas that therapeutic parenting can help you and areas in the context of trauma and attachment.
What Is Self Esteem & Why Is It Important
This blog accompanies my FREE self-esteem download that you can do with your children, explaining what self-esteem is and why it’s important. This blog gives you a foundation of knowledge to underpin your intentions to help maintain or improve your children’s self-esteem.
I Have The Right To Be Stressed
Sara Bussandri is a writer and published author, she volunteered to share her story as part of the National Story Telling Week event I held online. I’m very honoured that Sara got in touch, not only because she writes so beautifully, but because her story resonates so powerfully with me as a working parent. Sara takes us on her personal journey where her perception of her mental health was challenged by her own life and the life coach she met for that one session. When asked if she could be stressed, her initial response was categorically “No” - read Sara’s blog and see how her idea of stress and her own capacity to live the life she was living, changed.
What Influences Resilience?
Life can be very challenging, in this blog we look at what can both positively and negatively impact our resilience.
What Does It Mean To Be Resilient
We often hear the world resilient, but what does it mean and what does it mean for yours and/or your children’s lives?
Christmas Reflection Materials For Children Under 10 Years
Download this free activity kit to help your children value the importance of Christmas and encourage their internal resources for self-esteem and resilience.
Why Anger Is A Positive Emotion
Anger is often referred to as a negative emotion but I think there are two sides to every emotion. In this blog I discuss why anger can be positive and why it’s healthy to feel and express it.
What Is Safe Anger?
Emotions are learned and often children and young people benefit from our guidance, especially if their own strategies are having a negative impact on themselves and their relationships. In this blog I help create a sense of what safe anger is, how to talk about it and give 5 strategies that promote it.
How To Model Anger, & Why You Should
This blog offers useful perspectives on anger and how we can support our children’s developing relationship with it.
Why Being Real Is Important When You’re A Parent
Whilst you may think that protecting your children from real life is the best thing to do, this blog discusses the limitations of that belief and why being real, or authentic, is important for you and your children.
Why Relaxation Is Important For Your Mental Health
Waiting to find the time to relax and unwind doesn’t happen, which is why you’re not doing it. Here’s why you need to create the time.
8 Strategies For Helping Your Anxious Child
When I speak with parents and carers about their child’s anxiety, the parent/carer is rarely without anxiety about their child’s anxiety. “What do I need to do to help them?” “Am I making it worse?” are familiar questions. In this blog I give 8 strategies which, when used consistently, can promote emotional awareness, communication and reduced worry and fear; for the parents, carers and children